This was a weekly art challenge for the theme: Platformer

This is a WIP and is in no way finished. I used this week's prompt as a good way to learn more about construct 3 and all of the things it can do. I ran out of time to add more things but that seems like it is my life. Always and forever over-scoping myself. Having ADHD and adding things while in the middle of a different thing.  I hope you enjoy seeing my learning journey of Construct 3


  • Jumping: I ran into a problem where I could not get the player to jump on a spacebar press. I looked into the collisions and the animation transitions. There was nothing wrong there. This problem lasted the first 3 days of production 
    • Solution: I ended up doing a check to see if the player was jumping versus landed. This instantly fixed the problem I was banging my head on the desk over. I also used this to see which way the player was facing so the idle after the jump animation would be facing the appropriate way. 
  • Indexing and instance variables: Trying to set up an index was something I did not do very well in accomplishing. Instance variables were tricky to figure out when referencing the enemy and player health bar to a specific instance number. 
    • Solution: I ended up calling on the UID of multiple instances of the same enemy, this was an inefficient way to handle it and is still causing problems. I will need to revisit this in the future.  For the variables, I eventually got the hang of it and ended up making the right connections. 
  • Audio: I pulled audio from a website and had to import them into construct. I initially had a hard time figuring out how to stop the music and seek to a specific part once a song was in play. 
    • Solution: this was just a matter of me figuring out that the stop and seek function needed a tag instead of the file's name. Once I stopped being blind I was able to continue with great haste. 

Learning Points

  • Audio- Importing, playing, seeking, stoping, fading volume
  • Layouts- transitions and stringing them together
  • Sprites- Animations, anim transitions, flipping, mirroring, behavior controls. 
  • Buttons- how to make a sprite into a button
  • Fade in and fade out a layout
  • Dealing with multiple layers in the same scene (Alice cutscenes)
  • Exporting to HTML
  • Move to movement function- On sprite click

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